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Friday, February 8, 2008

17 signs you like someone.. :)

SEVENTEEN:You look at their profile constantly.

SIXTEEN:When you're on the phone with them lateat night and they hang up, you stillmiss them even when it was just twominutes ago.

FIFTEEN:You read their Texts and Ims Over andover again.

FOURTEEN:You walk really slow when you're withthem.

THIRTEEN:You feel shy whenever they're around.

ELEVEN:When you think about them, your heartbeats faster but slower at the sametime.

TEN:You smile when you hear their voice.

NINE:When you look at them, you can't seetheother people around you, you just seehim/her.

EIGHT:You start listening to slow songs whilethinking about them.

SEVEN:They're all you think about.

SIX:You get high just from their scent.

FIVE:You realize you're always smiling whenyou're looking at them.

FOUR:You would do anything for them, just tosee them.

THREE:While reading this, there was onepersonon your mind this whole time.

TWO:You were so busy thinking about thatperson, you didnt notice number twelvewas missing

ONE:You just scrolled up to check & are nowsilently laughing at yourself.

Who are you thinking now ?He/ SHe maybe is your......

***Happy Eveyone Chinese New Year ***